Hamnen i Glada Hudik

Privacy Policy

Handling your personal data

Hudiksvalls municipality/visitgladahudik.se cares about your personal integrity and strives to protect your personal information in the best possible way. This policy describes Hudiksvalls municipality/visitgladahudik.se`s provisions regarding the collection and processing of personal data and the use of cookies. Hudiksvalls municipality/visitgladahudik.se commits to respecting and protecting such information and your personal integrity in accordance with current Swedish legislation.
By accepting our terms, you agree that we use your personal information accordingly.
We will not share your personal information with our partners, except for the accommodation/organizer of the activity and/or events you booked, or to any third parties, unless there are special reasons such as: if police, prosecutors or similar request information.

What personal data do we process?

When visiting our website:
Hudiksvalls municipality/visitgladahudik.se may save information about your preferences and in which way you use the websites of the destination organizations that are part of Hudiksvalls municipality/visitgladahudik.se or social media that is connected to any of these companies and other third parties such as ad networks etc. Hudiksvalls municipality/visitgladahudik.se may save your IP address, what you publish on the Internet, for example social media, searches you make via search engines on the Internet, which website you came from before visiting any of our websites and which website you visit after visiting, what choices you make and what kind of information and events you are interested in. Demographic and geographical information may also be saved.
When responding to questionnaires/market surveys/webforms:
Hudiksvalls municipality/visitgladahudik.se saves information from market surveys and newsletters; your answers to and use of market surveys, advertisements and e-mails may be saved. For example, information about your use of newsletters via e-mail, including opening of newsletters, which links are clicked and what kind of information you show interest in may be saved.
How information is collected:
Information you provide yourself in contact with Hudiksvalls municipality/visitgladahudik.se:
You can provide Hudiksvalls municipality/visitgladahudik.se with information when creating an account, selecting settings or services, telephone contact, contacting Hudiksvalls municipality/visitgladahudik.se via web forms or emails etc.
Details about your preferences and usage:
Are retrieved through so-called cookies or beacons placed by Hudiksvalls municipality/visitgladahudik.se or placed there by third parties. Hudiksvalls municipality/visitgladahudik.se may also collect such information from social medias or other third parties such as ad networks or newsletters.

Why do we process personal data?

  • It enables conventional customer management and enables us to fulfil our commitments to you
  • It enables us to offer higher service levels
  • It ensures that each organization has access to reliable personal documentation in the event of an accident
  • In order to provide you with relevant content in the form of newsletters, ads, text messages or other types of information that you desire.

Who do we share personal data with?

Certain information about you and your preferences may be transferred to third parties, also in countries outside the EU. This is either done automatically by third-part cookies (see section below on cookies) placed on a company within Hudiksvalls municipality/visitgladahudik.se, or that information is actively sent to or retrieved by companies that are doing business analysis of the information for Hudiksvalls municipality/visitgladahudik.se. For non-EU countries, other laws may apply to the protection of your personal data.

For how long do we save your data?

Hudiksvalls municipality/visitgladahudik.se saves your personal information as long as it is necessary to achieve the purposes described in the policy. If you unsubscribe from our services, we will remove your personalinformation as soon as possible, with the exception of anonymous data that we may save for statistical purposes and for ads posted in our social media.

If you want to know more

Once per calendar year, you can find out for free which of your personal data we handle. Your written request must be sent to the address below and must be signed by you personally. You may at any time request that we correct or remove the information about you if your information proves to be incorrect or out of date.
Hudiksvalls municipality (corporate identity number: 212000-2379) is personally responsible in accordance with the Data Protection Ordinance (GDPR)
Contact details
Hudiksvalls municipality
824 80 Hudiksvall
On our websites, we use cookies to make the site work well for you. By browsing further, you agree that we use cookies.